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AL-ESTIQAMAH Publikationen

Tawheed comes first, O caller to Islam



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    Books in German
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Softcover | DIN A5 | 96 pages

Honorable Sheikh!

You are undoubtedly aware of how bitter the religious condition of the Ummah is, be it in terms of the prevailing ignorance of the doctrine (ar. Aqidah) and its various topics, or in terms of the division in methods, as well as in terms of the neglect of the Spreading Islamic Da'wah to most places on earth, according to the authentic initial foundations of faith and methodology by which the Ummah was once sustained. Furthermore, it is undoubtedly the case that such a painful condition causes a zeal in the hearts of the sincere and stimulates them to improve this condition and eliminate the defects therein. However, these sincere Muslims had different views on the approach to fulfilling their same projects. And these are due to different backgrounds regarding their aqidah and manhag.

This, as you – Your Eminence – know, can be represented by the diversity of partisan Islamic movements and groups. For decades, all of them claimed to maintain the Ummah and wanted to improve it, but had achieved neither victory nor success. Rather, these "Islamic" groups had caused afflictions, catastrophes and massive disasters within the Ummah due to their methods and beliefs that contradicted the commands of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and what he came with. All this had serious consequences for the Muslims, especially for the youth among them, and the following question arose in their minds: What is the way to improve this current situation?

Here the Muslim caller, who adheres to the prophetic methodology and the path of the believers, which is based on the understanding of the Companions, as well as all the scholars of Islam who have followed them in the best way, feels that he bears a great responsibility regarding this situation, as well regarding the contribution he has to make to improve this situation.

  • So what is your advice to the followers of those [Islamic] groups and movements?
  • What are the effective and effective remedies to counteract this situation?
  • And how can a Muslim be relieved from Allah's reckoning on the Day of Resurrection?

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Enos Guza
Schnell, sauber und perfekt

„Voraussichtliche Lieferzeit 5 tage“ und am 2. tag war das paket schon da. Die bücher waren gut eingeschweißt und waren komplett ohne Makel. Auch die angebote sind sehr gut. Ich habe mir 2 bücher geholt und das eine gefällt mir schon so gut, das andere wurde mir empfohlen und ich kanns kaum erwarten dieses auch zu lesen.

Tawheed comes first, O caller to Islam

Tawheed comes first, O caller to Islam


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