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AL-ESTIQAMAH Publikationen

Advice from the Muhaddit and great scholar Abd-ur Rahman Ibn Yahya al-Mu'allimi to his student: Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Mu'allimi



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    Books in German
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Softcover | DIN A5 | 110 pages

The position of the scholars in Islam is known to every Muslim, and the praise given to them is abundant in both the noble Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah. This is indeed so because of the very important role and tremendous task of the scholars in the Ummah of Islam. For they are the ones who inherited from the Prophet (peace be upon him). And the inheritance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is neither gold nor silver, but it is the useful knowledge and pure teaching of Tawhid, which, with Allah's permission and guidance, leads to eternal joy in Paradise, and its rejection and omission leads to eternal brings punishment in hellfire. For this reason, scholars have always sought to dedicate useful advice and guiding words to Muslims in general and to their disciples specifically in order to attain goodness in both this world and the Hereafter.

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Gutes Buch wie immer bin begeistert und empfehle es den Geschwistern weiter

Manuela Weiß
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Ich kann die Bücher von Wissen und mehr nur wärmstens weiterempfehlen.

Advice from the Muhaddit and great scholar Abd-ur Rahman Ibn Yahya al-Mu'allimi to his student: Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Mu'allimi

Advice from the Muhaddit and great scholar Abd-ur Rahman Ibn Yahya al-Mu'allimi to his student: Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Mu'allimi


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