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AL-ESTIQAMAH Publikationen

The essential lessons for the Muslim community



  • Islamic
    Books in German
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Softcover | DIN A5 | 80 pages

"The book of ad-Durus al-Muhimmah li Ammat-il Ummah is a valuable compilation on a most important matter, written by a well-known Imam, an advising Shaykh and a compassionate educator. It is about the Imam and Allamah: Abd- ul Aziz ibn Abdillah ibn Baz.

He wrote this book as a nasihah to the Muslim Ummah regarding the matters of religion that they need to learn, whether in the area of ​​belief, worship or even good character traits.

He organized the teaching units of the book in a very educational way, in which he discussed the most important basics of the religion and presented what every Muslim absolutely needs to know about the religion.

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Youssef Ahmad

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The essential lessons for the Muslim community

The essential lessons for the Muslim community


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