AL-ESTIQAMAH Publikationen
The Shining Pearls of Islamic Jurisprudence (ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah fī-l Mašāʾil al-Fiqhiyyah) [Part 01]
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الدُّرَرُ البَهِيَّةُ فِي المَسَائِل الفِقْهِيَّة
الإمام محمد بن علي الشوكاني ـ رحمه الله تعالى ـ
The Shining Pearls of Islamic Jurisprudence (ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah fī-l Mašāʾil al-Fiqhiyyah) [Part 01]
Hardcover | DIN A5 | 170 pages
Author: Muḥammad Ibn ʿAlī aš-Šawkānī (Raḥimahullāh)
Description: It is well known to every Muslim how important and essential the areas of knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence are, not only for every student of knowledge, but for every Muslim in his everyday life, whether or not he deals specifically with the Islamic sciences.
Because by learning this knowledge, one will be able to carry out the duties that Allah has ordained in a correct manner. You learn how to clean and dress yourself. How and what to eat and drink. You learn about your rights and obligations towards yourself and towards the society in which you live. You actually learn all aspects that affect the life of a Muslim, be it about yourself or the people you live with. At the same time, this makes one realize how comprehensive the religion of Islam is, which has left no aspect of life without regulation and order. A religion that provides a reason for the happiness and success of every human being, both in this world and the hereafter.
Due to the relevance of this area of knowledge, this publication comes as the first building block, which, Allah willing, will be followed by further publications.
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The Shining Pearls of Islamic Jurisprudence (ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah fī-l Mašāʾil al-Fiqhiyyah) [Part 01]