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The Fundamentals of Our Righteous Ancestors' Methodology [2nd Edition]
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The Fundamentals of Our Righteous Ancestors' Methodology [2nd Edition]
أصول دعوة السلف الصلح (الطبعة الثانية)
Hardcover | 17x24cm | 320 pages
Author: Issam Benhamed (ʾAbū ʿAbdillah)
Description:This book is primarily about presenting the correct methodology that enables one to learn, understand, practice and call to Islam in a concrete way. This is particularly important in our day and age. Because there are many who claim that they represent Islam, understand it correctly and practice it. And how many are there who claim to be moderate, while they have fallen into either exaggeration or understatement.
Between these two extremes there are numerous perplexed Muslims and non-Muslims, searching for the right path, the path of salvation, the path of success in this world and the hereafter. These seekers would be a lot easier if there were fewer callers, who often appear in beautiful and eloquent form in their speeches and package their misleading ideas more attractively and brilliantly than those who invite truth. Among them there are even some who have no shame whatsoever and who appoint themselves as representatives and spokespeople for the Muslims.
But Allah, the Majestic, the All-Knowing and the All-Wise, has promised guidance to every honest and sincere seeker of truth, regardless of the severity of all obstacles on this bumpy path, saying: "But those who strive for Our sake, We will certainly become Ours guide paths. And surely Allah is with those who do good." [29:69]
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