AL-ESTIQAMAH Publikationen
My advice to Ahl as-Sunnah
Books in German -
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Softcover | DIN A5 | 56 pages
The Sheikh and great scholar of Yemen, Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi, was one of the contemporary figures who not only benefited the Ummah with his knowledge, particularly in the science of hadit, but also a bringer of a scientific awakening and a return to the true teachings of Islam with the correct understanding to his homeland and beyond to the entire Islamic world. He was faced with a number of challenges and tense situations, such as lack of material resources, constant harassment and fighting against his reputation based on those around him.
In this treatise we read important words from Shaykh Muqbil, through which he seeks to consolidate unity within the ranks of the Ahl-us Sunnah ual Gama'ah and to find a solution to the discord that continually arises between them - for a variety of reasons , to solve in the best way.
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My advice to Ahl as-Sunnah