AL-ESTIQAMAH Publikationen
ʾUṣūl ad-Daʿwah as-Salafiyyah (The Foundations of the Call of the Pious Ancients)
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Hardcover | DIN A5 | 137 pages
Author: ʿAbd-us Salām Ibn Barajas al ʿAbd-ul Karīm ( raḥimahullāh )
Description: This is an important treatise by a prominent contemporary sheikh who, despite the young age at which he left this life, published useful works and addressed crucial topics. One of these topics discussed by Shaykh 'Abd-us Salām Ibn Barajas ( raḥimahullāh ) is to present in a compact and illustrative manner the most important features of the blessed call of the pious ancestors, which will be found in this book.
The importance of this book is to present not only the authentic teaching of ad-Da'wah as-Salafiyyah, but also every false call that hides under the guise of Sunnah and Salaf, thereby spreading confusion and deep misunderstanding, to refute and reveal.
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ʾUṣūl ad-Daʿwah as-Salafiyyah (The Foundations of the Call of the Pious Ancients)