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AL-ESTIQAMAH Publikationen

With what intellect and what religion do assassinations and destruction count as jihad?! Woe to you, you young people! Wake up!



  • Islamic
    Books in German
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Softcover | DIN A5 | 89 pages

This is another of our publications in which a sensitive and very important topic is dealt with by one of the most famous Hadith scholars of our time, the Shaykh and Allamah, Abd-ul Muhsin Al-Abbad Al-Badr, may Allah preserve him let Muslims benefit from his knowledge. It is a warning against shedding the forbidden blood and killing an innocent person, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, falsely in the name of Jihad.

The Shaykh, may Allah preserve him, dedicated a high-quality and magnificent Nasiha to the general public of Muslims, especially the youth who represent the distorted ideas of violence and killing of innocent people based on the theory and bogus arguments of some misguided sects and people. He supported his words with numerous evidence from the Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah as well as statements from the Salaf.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Fortesa Terziu


Donart Gashi
ich habe mein paket nicht erhalten


Can Deutschmann

Dieses kleine Büchlein behandelt eine wichtige Thematik in der Heutigen Zeit. Der Versand war überraschend schnell.
Barakallahu feek

Sinan Abaci Uzun
Vielen Dank ❤️

Ich hatte mir das Buch bestellt, weil mich der Titel des Buches faszinierte. Der Händler hat mir, als Geschenk eine Broschüre und ein zusätzliches Buch mit dem Titel: Das hüten der Zunge beigelegt. Recht herzlichen Dank ! Ich werde mir weitere Bücher auf dieser Seite bestellen.

With what intellect and what religion do assassinations and destruction count as jihad?! Woe to you, you young people! Wake up!

With what intellect and what religion do assassinations and destruction count as jihad?! Woe to you, you young people! Wake up!


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